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research interests include eXtended Reality (XR), Computer Graphics, e-Edutainment, e-Learning, Computational Design, Procedural Modeling, Scientific Simulation, Deep Learning, Sketch-Based Interface, and Text-Based Interface. My publications are listed on this page. For more details, please refer to the paper listed in Google Scholar


PM4Tree: A Scriptable Parametric Modeling Interface for Decorative Tree Design Using PM4VR

Wanwan Li

International Conference on Soft Computing and Machine Intelligence (ISCMI 2024)

Paper, Video, Publication


PM4Flower: A Scriptable Parametric Modeling Interface for Procedural Flower Generation Using PM4VR

Wanwan Li

International Conference on Software and Information Engineering (ICSIE 2024)

Paper, Video, Publication


PM4Urban: A Scriptable Parametric Modeling Interface for Conceptual Urban Layout Design Using PM4VR

Wanwan Li

International Conference on Computer Technologies and Development (TechDev 2024)

Paper, Video, Publication


PM4Bag: A Scriptable Parametric Modeling Interface for Conceptual Bag Design Using PM4VR

Wanwan Li

International Conference on Imaging, Signal Processing and Communications (ICISPC 2024)

Paper, Video, Publication


Visualizing and Analyzing Human Activity Patterns through Graph-Based Methods

Saima Ahmed Rahin, Bo Hui, Wanwan Li

International Conference on Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence (MLMI 2024)

Paper, Publication


Location-Aware Context Detection Based-On
Behavior Sensors

Saima Ahmed Rahin, Bo Hui, Wanwan Li

International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet (ICCCI 2024)

Paper, Publication


PM4Fashion: A Scriptable Parametric Modeling Interface for Conceptual Fashion Design Using PM4VR

Wanwan Li

International Conference on Computing, Networks and Internet of Things (CNIOT 2024)

Paper, Video, Publication, Award


PM4WallArt: A Scriptable Parametric Modeling Interface for Conceptual Wall Art Design Using PM4VR

Wanwan Li

International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (ICCCS 2024)

Paper, Video, Publication, Award


PM4WireArt: A Scriptable Parametric Modeling Interface for Conceptual Wire Art Design Using PM4VR

Wanwan Li

International Conference on Information and Computer Technologies (ICICT 2024)

Paper, Video, Publication


PM4Music: A Scriptable Parametric Modeling Interface for Music Visualizer Design Using PM4VR


Wanwan Li

International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (ICDSP 2024)

Paper, Video, Publication


PM4Pottery: A Scriptable Parametric Modeling Interface for Conceptual Pottery Design Using PM4VR

Wanwan Li

International Conference on Automation, Robotics, and Applications (ICARA 2024)

Paper, Video, Publication


PM4Car: A Scriptable Parametric Modeling Interface for Conceptual Car Design Using PM4VR

Wanwan Li

International Conference on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (CGIP 2024)

Paper, Video, Publication


WIP Paper: Applying Realistic Wing Animation and Modeling for Interactive VR Game Design

Yue Li, Wanwan Li

International Conference on Computer Technologies (ICCTech 2024)

Paper, Video, Publication


Image Generation of Egyptian Hieroglyphs

Song Gao, Bo Hui, Wanwan Li

International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ICMLC 2024)

Paper, PublicationAward


Assessing the Importance of Content Versus Design for Successful Crowdfunding of Health Education Games: Online Survey Study

Hong Huang, Han Yu, Wanwan Li

JMIR Serious Games

Paper, Publication


Applying eXtended Reality (XR) Technology in Commerce, Management, Business Edutainment: A Survey

Shijin Zhang, Wanwan Li

International Conference on Computer, Control and Robotics (ICCCR 2024)

Paper, Publication


Simulating Skydiving Experience in Virtual Reality

Wanwan Li

International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Smart Technologies (ISAS 2024)

Paper, Video, Publication


Intelligent Interface for Synthesizing Procedural
Stone Forest Landscape

Wanwan Li

International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Human-Computer Interaction and Robotics (AIHCIR 2023)

Paper, Video, Publication


Synthesizing Realistic Cracked Terrain for Virtual Arid Environment Generation

Wanwan Li

International Conference on Communication, Image and Signal Processing (CCISP 2023)

Paper, Video, Publication


Synthesizing Procedural Landscape for Volcanic Eruption Simulation in Virtual Reality

Wanwan Li

International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT2023)

Paper, Video, Publication 


Animating Parametric Kinetic Spinner in Virtual Reality


Wanwan Li

International Conference on Advances in Image Processing (ICAIP 2023)

Paper, Video, PublicationAward


​Simulating Virtual Environment and Experience for Training, Exergaming, and Edutainment in eXtended Reality (XR): A Survey

Wanwan Li

International Conference on Computer Application Technology (CCAT 2023)

Paper, Publication

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Does the content of the game or its design matter? Perception of the success in developing crowdfunding health education game

Hong Huang, Han Yu, Wanwan Li

Journal Of Medical Internet Research (JMIR)

Paper, Publication


​Synthesizing Virtual World Palace Scenes on OpenStreetMap

Wanwan Li

International Conference on Computer, Software and Modeling (ICCSM 2023)

Paper, Video, Publication


Synthesizing Virtual Chinese Palace Scenes on OpenStreetMap

Wanwan Li

International Conference on Image Processing and Media Computing (ICIPMC 2023)

Paper, Video, Publication


InsectVR: Simulating Crawling Insects in Virtual Reality for Biology Edutainment

Wanwan Li

International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology (ICEMT 2023)

Paper, Video, Publication


CarGameAR: An Integrated AR Car Game Authoring Interface for Custom-Built Car Programed on Arduino Board

Dang Bui, Wanwan Li, Hong Huang

International Conference on Graphics and Signal Processing (ICGSP 2023)

Paper, Video, Publication


Using Technical Acceptance Model to Analyse the Successful Crowdfunding Learning Game Campaigns

Hong Huang, Han Yu, Wanwan Li, Jinxuan Ma

Information Technologies and Learning Tools (ITLT 2023)

Paper, Publication


Synthesizing 3D VR Sketch Using Generative Adversarial Neural Network

Wanwan Li

International Conference on Virtual Reality and Image Processing (VRIP 2023)

Paper, Video, Publication


Compare The Size: Automatic Synthesis of Size Comparison Animation in Virtual Reality

Wanwan Li

International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA 2023)

Paper, Video, Publication


Synthesizing Virtual Night Scene on OpenStreetMap

Wanwan Li

International Conference on Communications, Computing and Artificial Intelligence (CCCAI 2023)

Paper, Video, Publication


SurfChessVR: Deploying Chess Game on Parametric Surface in Virtual Reality

Wanwan Li

IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality (IEEE ICVR 2023)

Paper, Video, Publication


Location-Aware Adaptation of Augmented Reality Narratives


Wanwan Li, Changyang Li, Minyoung Kim, Haikun Huang, Lap-Fai Yu

ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI 2023)
Project Page, Paper, Supplementary Material, Video, Publication


Patch-based Monte Carlo Terrain Upsampling via Gaussian Laplacian Pyramids


Wanwan Li

International Conference on Image, Video and Signal Processing (IVSP 2023)

Paper, Video, Publication


Terrain Synthesis for Treadmill Exergaming in Virtual Reality


Wanwan Li

IEEE Workshop on VR for Exergaming (VR4Exergame @ IEEE VR 2023)

Paper, Supplementary Material, Video, Publication


Elliptical4VR: An Interactive Exergame Authoring Tool for Personalized Elliptical Workout Experience in VR


Wanwan Li

International Conference on Machine Learning and Human-Computer Interaction (MLHMI 2023)

Paper, Video, Publication, Award


Simulating Quantum Turing Machine in Augmented Reality


Wanwan Li

International Conference on Multimedia and Image Processing (ICMIP 2023)

Paper, Video, Publication


PlanetTXT: A Text-based Planetary System Simulation Interface for Astronomy Edutainment

Wanwan Li

International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management, and E-Learning (IC4E 2023)

Paper, Video, Publication


Creative NFT-Copyrighted AR Face Mask Authoring Using Unity3D Editor

Mohamed Al Hamzy, Shijin Zhang, Hong Huang, Wanwan Li

International Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business and E-Government (ICEEG 2023)

Paper, Supplementary Material, VideoPublication

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Procedural Rhythm Game Generation in Virtual Reality

Devin Perry, Thomas Bivins, Bianca Dehaan, Wanwan Li

International Conference on Image and Graphics Processing (ICIGP 2023)

PaperVideo, Publication


Past, Present, and Future of the Augmented Reality (AR)- Enhanced Interactive Techniques- A Survey

Vighnesh Gholap, Wanwan Li

International Conference on Machine Vision and Information Technology(CMVIT 2023)

Paper, Publication


Prevailing Technologies Augmented Reality Software with Hardware for E-Entertainment and E-Learning Purposes: A Survey

Geonhee Choi, Wanwan Li

International Conference on Education and Training Technologies (ICETT 2023)

Paper, Publication


A View Direction-Driven Approach for Automatic Room Mapping in Mixed Reality

Dong Jun Kim, Wanwan Li

International Conference on Image Processing and Machine Vision (IPMV 2023)

PaperVideo, Publication


PM4VR: A Scriptable Parametric Modeling Interface for Conceptual Architecture Design in VR

Wanwan Li

ACM SIGGRAPH lnternational Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry (ACM SIGGRAPH VRCAI 2022)

PaperSupplementary MaterialVideo, Publication, Best Paper Award


Procedural Marine Landscape Synthesis for Swimming Exergame in Virtual Reality


Wanwan Li

IEEE International Conference on Games, Entertainment & Media (IEEE GEM 2022)

PaperVideo, Publication



Creative Molecular Model Design for Chemistry Edutainment


Wanwan Li

International Conference on Education Technology and Computers (ICETC 2022)

PaperVideo, Publication



Simulating Ice Skating Experience in Virtual Reality

Wanwan Li

International Conference on Image, Vision, and Computing (ICIVC 2022)

PaperVideo, Publication, Award



Animaton: Scriptable Finite Automaton for Animation Design in Unity3D Game Engine

Wanwan Li

International Conference on Computer Graphics and Digital Image Processing (CGDIP 2022)

PaperVideoPublication, Award


Simulating Virtual Construction Scenes on OpenStreetMap

Wanwan Li

International Conference on Virtual and Augmented Reality Simulations (ICVARS 2022)




Interactive Augmented Reality Storytelling Guided by Scene Semantics

Changyang Li, Wanwan Li, Haikun Huang, Lap-Fai Yu

ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceeding of SIGGRAPH 2022)

Project PagePaperSupplementary MaterialVideoBibtex



Synthesizing Personalized Construction Safety Training Scenarios for VR Training

Wanwan Li, Haikun Huang, Tomay Solomon, Behzad Esmaeili, Lap-Fai Yu

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG 2022)

Project Page, Paper, Supplementary MaterialVideo, Publication



Simulating Wind Tower Construction Process for Virtual Construction Safety Training and Active Learning

Wanwan Li, Behzad Esmaeili, Lap-Fai Yu

IEEE Workshop on 3D Content Creation for Simulated Training in eXtended Reality (TrainingXR @ IEEE VR 2022)

Project Page, Paper, Video, Unity Demo, Publication


Musical Instrument Performance in Augmented Virtuality

Wanwan Li

International Conference on Computer Graphics and Virtuality (ICCGV 2022)

PaperVideo, Publication



Multi-View NURBS Volume


Wanwan Li

International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP 2022)

PaperVideo, Poster, Publication



AnimalDraw: Drawing Animal Cardboard Toys Design for Children’s Art Education and Entertainment

Wanwan Li

World Symposium on Software Engineering (WSSE 2022)

PaperVideo, Publication



Simulating Turing Machine in Augmented Reality

Wanwan Li

International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI 2022)

Paper,  VideoPublication


Make Uber Faster: Automatic Optimization of Uber Schedule Using OpenStreetMap Data

Wanwan Li

International Conference of Eurasia Graphics (EAG 2021)

PaperVideo, Publication




Pen2VR: A Smart Pen Tool Interface for Wire Art Design in VR

Wanwan Li

Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics (STAG 2021)

PaperVideo, Publication


Make OS Home: Home-Like Operating System in Virtual Reality

Wanwan Li

XR-Driven Digital Transformation of Design, Training, and Education (DigitalXR 2021)

Paper, Video, Publication




IslandPaint: Digital Painting Floating Island Design

Wanwan Li

Advances on Societal Digital Transformation (DIGITAL 2021)

Paper, Video, Publication


Procedural Modeling of the Great Barrier Reef

Wanwan Li

International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC 2021)

Paper, Slides, Publication




Fast Fluid Thermodynamics Simulation by Solving Heat Diffusion Equation

Wanwan Li

International Journal of Computer Graphics & Animation (IJCGA 2021).
PaperVideo, Publication




MusicTXT: A Text-based Interface for Music Notation

Kelian Li, Wanwan Li

Ubiquitous Music Conference  (Ubimus 2021).

PaperVideo, WebApp, Samples, Publication




A Review on Virtual Reality Skill Training Applications

B.Xie,  H.Liu, R.Alghofaili, Y.Zhang, Y.Jiang, F.Lobo, C.Li, Wanwan.Li, H.Huang, M.Akdere, C. Mousas, L.-F. Yu.

Frontiers in Virtual Reality (Front. VR 2021).

Journal PaperPDF Paper




Image Synthesis and Editing with Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): A Review.

Wanwan Li

World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems Security and Sustainability (WorldS4 2021).

Conference Paper, Full Paper, Publication




Exertion-Aware Path Generation

Wanwan Li, Biao Xie, Yongqi Zhang, Walter Meiss, Haikun Huang, Lap-Fai Yu

ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceeding of SIGGRAPH 2020)

Project PagePaperVideo




Automatic Synthesis of Virtual Wheelchair Training Scenarios

Wanwan Li, Javier Talavera, Amilcar Gomez Samayoa, Jyh-Ming Lien, Lap-Fai Yu

IEEE Virtual Reality (IEEE VR 2020)

Project PagePaper, Video


Scene-Aware Background Music Synthesis

Yujia Wang, Wei Liang, Wanwan Li, Dingzeyu Li, Lap-Fai Yu

ACM Multimedia (ACM MM 2020)

Project PagePaperVideo


The Implementation of Image Quilting Based Texture Synthesis Algorithm in Java Language

Wanwan Li

Journal of Qiqihar University(Natural Science Edition), 2014


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The Principles and Implementation of Solar System Simulation Based on Java 3D

Wanwan Li

Natural Science Journal of Harbin Normal University, 2013


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The Principal and Implementation of Action Recognition Based on Chessboard-Tree Algorithm

Wanwan Li

CC News, 2013


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